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Is Online Therapy Effective?

In 2021,  37% of adults used telemedicine. The rate of telemedicine use was 42% for women and 31.7% for men.

The research shows that virtual therapy is becoming more and more common. This is something that is progressing as technology and medicine are progressing.

You may be wondering if online therapy is effective. This is a common question that people have since many may not be familiar with it.

Keep reading to find out whether online therapy effective and what the pros and cons are.

Online Therapy Results

Research has shown that virtual therapy can be as beneficial as traditional therapy. This can be useful whether you have speech problems or a brain injury.

Therapy is something that can be utilized no matter where you are. Unlike other forms of rehabilitation, it does not necessarily require you to be in the room with a professional.

This is also something that is much more accessible for most people. If you are recovering, you may not be able to get to an office for your appointment.

Teletherapy has created a solution for this that allows everyone to get the help they need.

Online Therapy Pros and Cons

Is online therapy effective? The research seems to indicate that it is for most patients. But there are a few other things you will want to understand.

Different types of therapy all come with their own benefits. You will need to consider these benefits as well as the downsides.

This will help you to better decide if this is the right fit for your recovery and mental health.


Teletherapy is the best option for people who cannot get to their therapist’s office. You may live out of town or not have the independence to drive yourself.

Many patients who are recovering from brain or spinal cord injuries may be bedbound or have barriers related to transportation or mobility. Several things can make it very difficult to get to a physical appointment.

Teletherapy solves this problem by allowing you to have your appointment anywhere.


The downside to virtual therapy is that you need to have an internet connection. Your internet connection needs to be reliable so you can complete your appointment.

Depending on where you live, this can be a bit unpredictable. This can make it difficult to avoid glitches or other technical issues.


Some patients may also feel more comfortable with these therapy options. You do not have to go to an office and sit in front of your therapist directly.

This can help people to feel more at ease if they have anxiety or communication issues. This also allows them to have loved ones nearby during their appointment.

Many patients who live with their family will have family members with them. This can help them to feel more comfortable and at ease during their session.

This can also be helpful if the patient is struggling with communication and needs assistance.


Even though teletherapy provides some measure of privacy, there is a downside. You may have physical privacy by being able to stay in your home instead of going out.

But anything involving technology creates the risk of privacy leaks. Your personal information is going to be online, as well as your therapy session.

The risk of this information being leaked is very minimal, but it can happen. Someone could hack into your device or information could be accidentally revealed.

This is something that some people worry about when it comes to confidential health information. The good thing is that this is a rarity, not something that you have to be too concerned about.


Flexibility is one of the benefits of virtual therapy for patients. It allows you to have your therapy sessions whenever these sessions are available.

If you are in recovery, you may not be as flexible when it comes to showing up for appointments. But if you can have them from home, you can have as many sessions as you need.

You won’t need to get yourself ready or arrange to have someone drive you. This allows you more time to focus on your recovery and progress.

Who Should Use Online Therapy?

Online teletherapy is a great option for a variety of patients. This is something often thought of as therapy for mental health, which can be a great option.

But virtual therapy has many other uses, including therapy for recovery. Physical and occupational therapy as well as speech-language pathology are examples of this. Many people will find them useful and much more accessible to them in their situation.

At Kintinu Telerehab, you will be connected with a professional and get a treatment plan. Family-centered therapy and counseling are available, as well as skilled therapy.

Emotional health and wellness are at the forefront of helping patients. There are also resources for life-changing events when you need help adjusting and coping.

Overall, a lot of people could find online therapy beneficial to them. You will just want to consider these pros and cons to better understand if this will fit your needs.

Virtual Therapy: Is Online Therapy Effective

Are you wondering if online is therapy effective? The good news is that there is plenty of research that shows this can be an effective option for many patients.

Virtual therapy makes getting to your appointments as easy as sitting up in bed. You don’t have to drive anywhere or get dressed, you just need access to the internet.

Are you interested in getting teletherapy? Contact us today at Kintinu Telerehab for teletherapy and speech therapy options.