Cross the Bridges
We’ve introduced the idea of “Cross the Bridges” in the past. It is a useful metaphor to help injured workers and their support teams visualize, understand, and plan for challenges in their recovery. Some bridges span small gaps (short periods of time and minor challenges), while others span great distances where large milestones await.
This concept has many layers. One of the most impactful is the idea of foreshadowing, which reinforces the adage that “knowledge is power.” More importantly, it can be the on ramp to the express lane on the road to recovery. As providers and industry professionals, anticipation of and education about change ensures we offer the necessary guidance and support while preparing someone for what’s on the horizon.
The Change Curve
Initially created by Swiss American psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, to depict personal transition in grief and bereavement, The Change Curve has been widely debated due to its many variations and adaptations. At the very least, the concept serves as a loose framework that can be applied to a range of emotional experiences, and it is important to note, the stages do not have a set timeframe and are not linear in nature. Regardless of how the emotions are interpreted at each stage, it’s hard to argue the meaning behind the theory.
Can it be applied to the rehab world to better understand and address the turmoil faced throughout the recovery journey? We think so! The aim is to make the curve shallower and narrower. In doing so, we reduce negative consequences and accelerate change and adaptation.
Knowledge of the Change Curve and understanding the stages…
- Minimizes the negative impact
- Encourages rapid adaptation
- Improves the likelihood of success
Take a few extra minutes to help others “Cross the Bridge” and experience the power of foreshadowing when helping others navigate change!