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What the Future Could be with V1C

What is virtual first care (V1C)?

Virtual first care enables frequent and personalized touch points and drives meaningful outcomes. But, do patients, providers, and payers understand what it is and know when to use it?

V1C Defined

Medical care for individuals or a community accessed through digital interactions, guided by a clinician, and integrated into a person’s everyday life.

Characteristics of V1C

  • Initiate care from anywhere and anytime using digital technologies
  • Support a person to take the necessary steps in their health journey
  • Matches the persons clinical needs and preferences, with some aspects safely and effectively delivered virtually, and others necessitating in-person care
  • Adheres to all applicable laws, including best practices on standards of care, individual safety, security, privacy and data rights

SOURCE: virtual first Medical PrActice CollaboraTion (IMPACT)


Components and Use Cases

A variety of components may be used to deliver health care solutions. Just as importantly, the use cases for virtual-first care continue to expand access to quality evidence-based care.

Co-created by DiME and ATA, the ‘IMPACT’ initiative is a collaboration dedicated to supporting virtual-first and patient-centric care. Learn more here.